The Great Things Awards are all about recognizing iMIS, TopClass LMS and OpenWater clients and their solution provider partners for the steps they are taking towards digital transformation. We review countless submissions from the community, sharing stories on the great things their peers, colleagues and partners are achieving. We are pleased to announce the 2022 Great Things Award winners from our 2022 iNNOVATIONS Day, held on 29 September 2022 at St. Ermin’s Hotel in London, England.

Over 50 iMIS, TopClass, and Open Water clients and 30 ASI staff and authorized iMIS Solution Providers attended ASI’s first in-person European event since the pandemic at iNNOVATIONS Day in London.
Not only did attendees at this UK iMIS client and partner conference learn about the latest iMIS, TopClass, and OpenWater product updates, discover new ways to use the products more effectively, provide direct feedback to the ASI development team, and network with colleagues from the association and non-profit sectors, but they were also treated to the presentation of ASI’s Great Things Awards.
The Great Things Awards are presented to celebrate and recognise clients and their solution provider partners who are using iMIS, TopClass, or OpenWater to serve their members, registrants, donors, and their communities at the highest levels.
Through their use of these platforms, each of these clients is taking steps towards digital transformation which is the process of using digital technologies to create enhanced customer experiences, new business processes and effect culture change to meet the changing business, customer and market demands.
This year our team had the great pleasure of interviewing all the clients who have been nominated for this award, each with their own unique digital transformation story. The winners in the UK in 2022 are as follows:
Sally Millard, Director of Finance at the Construction Industry Research & Information Association
Niroo Rad of ASI tells us that, “CIRIA leadership and staff let an initiative to adopt best practices in order to leave behind previously customised processes and successfully upgraded to iMIS EMS in less than five months.”

Stephen Hall, Chief Executive Officer of Makaton
Stephen told us, “The integration capability of the iMIS system, which, like LEGO®, allows you to connect different systems and technologies together, providing new revenue and greatly improving user experience.” Hear more of their story in Makaton's video.

Hatty Grant, Marketing and Education Manager at the British Society of Echocardiography
When we spoke with Hatty about their TopClass implementation, she told us, “We have received hugely positive feedback for all our education programs since launching TopClass LMS, that everything works 'much more smoothly' for both learners and staff. We have seen a growth in the number of international candidates taking their exams and completing the exam preparation course since making the program available online.”

Showcase Your Digital Transformation
We love hearing and sharing the great things that the ASI community is achieving. You’re invited to share how your association, union or non-profit has transformed your overall performance, streamlined your business processes, improved member engagement, increased member retention, or any way that our products have helped you achieve your mission’s goals and keeps you ready for the next big thing.
To nominate an organization or nominate your team for a Great Things Award and share your story, visit